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6165cc金沙总站成立于 2014 年,位于美丽的江南名城——龙城常州,是一家集研发、制造、销售、服务于一体的科技创新型企业。我们致力于智能装备研发、制造,可提供半导体封装测试行业自动化设备制造及整线集成、AGV智能物料输送系统及 MES 系统整合、视觉检测设备、光伏行业自动化设备制造升级、设备定制开发等服务。

Founded in 2014, Changzhou Keruier Technology Co., Ltd.  is located in Changzhou, a beautiful city in the south of the Yangtze  River. It is a technologically innovative enterprise integrating R&D, manufacturing, sales and service. We are committed to development  and manufacturing of intelligent equipment, and can provide services  such as automated equipment manufacturing and integration of  the semiconductor packaging and testing industry, AGV intelligent   material handling system and MES integration, visual inspection   equipment, photovoltaic industry equipment manufacturing/ upgrades, and customized equipment,etc.
